Hey! I'm Arianna! Welcome to My Diaries!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been infatuated with Hollywood. I dreamed of being one of the kids on my favorite TV shows like Barney or Out of the Box. I’d make up songs and dances with my sister and friends, and we’d perform them for our parents and anyone else who would watch. I even taught myself how to use my family’s camcorder to create movies starring my Barbie dolls as actresses. I’d write out complete scripts and musical numbers for my films, and I’d voice all the characters. Creating was my passion before being a Content Creator was even a real job!

Left: Arianna at age 2 with her Mom, Dad, and sister, Britney. | Right: Arianna at age 3 with Britney and family friend Dominique.

By the time I was five years old, I already had a plan for my future. I’d move to Los Angeles, CA, get cast on a fun show or movie, and live happily ever after. So whenever something not-so-great happened in my life, I would remember my big goal. I told myself that none of the bad days would matter when I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dreams. I swallowed those emotions and focused on the goal. I dove into work and practiced perfecting my craft. Finally, in 2016, I graduated from the University of North Texas and moved to my dream city. My life was about to officially begin, so I thought.

The move to LA has been a life-changing experience! I’ve lived out some of my biggest dreams and mixed and mingled with some of my favorite celebrities! But, as the saying goes, “all that glitters ain’t gold.” The world of Hollywood wasn’t exactly how I imagined when I created my life plan at age five. I was knocked down more times than I can count and was forced to face some harsh truths head-on. But, as cliche as it sounds, I’m grateful for those trials and tribulations because they turned into a significant catalyst for the start of my healing and self-love journey.

Top Left: Arianna and her friend Carla attend the Grammys. |  Top Right: Arianna posing with a life-size Oscar award at Oscar’s after-show at LIVE! With Ryan and Kelly.
Bottom Left: Arianna attends the red carpet movie premiere for Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One.  |  Bottom Right: Arianna and her friend Britton attend the Emmys.

Throughout this journey, I’ve discovered that all those feelings I tried to ignore weren’t gone. They were just buried underneath the mask I put on for the world. I was so worried about being liked by everyone else that I never took the time to get to know myself. So throughout the last few years, I’ve made major changes, revelations, and discoveries that I’m finally ready to share. The first major discovery came in November 2021, when I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Since my diagnosis, I started medication and counseling, which have been a massive help with some of my symptoms, specifically my anxiety. I’ve also done a lot of research on these disorders to better understand how my brain works, which has been extremely enlightening! I feel like I’m learning who I am all over again, but this time through a lens of self-acceptance and not judgment or shame for my differences.


That’s how The Ari Diaries was born!


I created The Ari Diaries to express more of the real me as I continue on this journey called life. You’ll find everything from beauty favorites and fashion picks to mental health updates and self-care practices that have changed my life here. I’m getting more candid than ever before about my life experiences and revealing some of my craziest stories and encounters.

I hope that by sharing these stories, The Ari Diaries can become a consistent source of inspiration, motivation, and entertainment for all women as we go through our self-love and healing journies together. It’s time for us all to stop being afraid to be our authentic selves and step into our power!

Thank you for stopping by my little corner on the internet! Below are a few links to get you started!